
  • The first coffee

    In any Custom development project, whether it is a website, an app or a specific platform, the first step is to know the client's interests and preferences. In this way, we can assess the best options to meet their needs.
  • A touch of color

    Two of the distinguishing factors of digital projects are their aesthetics and creativity. At Omatech, we opt for clear, clean, functional designs with the unique personality that defines each client.
  • Let's get to work

    In this phase of the project, we transform graphic design into an interpretable code for different browsers. We always apply the criteria necessary to create a responsive web. This way, the user can navigate indistinctly from any device, whether it be a phone, tablet or computer, without encountering difficulties. This is when the project begins to come alive, when we implement interactions with the user, effects and animations.
  • We make it work

    At Omatech we are experts in the creation of robust and scalable technological platforms. Our 20 years of experience in the sector has made us master in the creation of projects, and therefore obtaining the tools and knowledge to face any technical challenge. Our goal is to provide quality, flexible and modular solutions. This way, the solutions can grow and adapt to a constantly evolving market.
  • Take off

    This is the most important and exciting moment in a project: putting it into production. This is when users can start to use the tool and so, it is essential to take into account the security of the product. In Omatech, we rely on a very solid foundation to provide foolproof protection and ensure a much more better user experience.
  • Fine-tuning

    We know that projects are living things and don't end with the launch. Therefore, we want to continue providing our services to the projects we work with, providing follow-up and care.
Do you have a digital project in mind but don't know where to start? We'll give you a hand! ?